Staying cool in Texas can be a challenge when the thermometer cranks up outside. But with the right preventative measures and some clever tricks, you can stay on top of humidity levels in your home.
Curious to learn more? Read on to learn about eight ways to maintain ideal humidity levels in your Onalaska, Texas home!
1. Add a Dehumidifier
One of the best ways to get better home humidity control is through a whole-house dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers can maintain more comfortable humidity levels and control condensation in your home. They also can help prevent mold and musty odors.
Dehumidifiers work in tandem with an AC unit to keep your air healthier and more comfortable. You can set a humidity level, too, so you don’t have to worry about constantly adjusting things.
Keep in mind that a whole-house dehumidifier is not cheap. You’ll need to budget for one, as the cost will easily climb north of $1,000 when you add in installation. For a larger unit in a larger home, you could be looking at closer to $3,000.
2. Get a Hygrometer
A hygrometer is a device that can measure the air’s water vapor levels. When you’re trying to prevent humidity issues or see if your intended solutions are working, you’ll want to get one of these handy tools. You can find them at most hardware stores.
Ideally, you’ll want your humidity levels to be between 30 and 50% in your Onalaska home. A number above that range can feel sticky. A number below that range can feel too dry and even affect parts of your home, like wooden furniture.
By staying aware of humidity, you can keep allergies at bay. You’ll also be providing cleaner air for your family!
3. Make Use of Exhaust Fans
Onalaska humidity tips also include getting exhaust fans. If you don’t have these installed in your kitchen or bathrooms, consider making the investment.
Exhaust fans work by transferring humidity from inside your home to the outside. In areas like bathrooms, which are a magnet for moisture, they can be especially helpful.
You’ll be able to regulate humidity in these spaces when you flip the switch to activate your fan. And, as a result, you can stave off mold and mildew.
As a bonus, you’ll end up with fresher air, too. After cooking a meal in your kitchen, you won’t be left with stagnant odors from whatever you’ve prepared.
4. Stay on Top of Maintainance
You can maintain optimal home climate conditions if you commit to routine maintenance of your HVAC system. Your AC plays a pivotal role in keeping your home’s air healthy and appealing. Without maintenance, you run the risk of hurting your HVAC system’s longevity and compromising air quality.
Annual routine maintenance for your AC includes coolant level checks and electrical system inspections. You can expect your technicians to look at thermostat calibration and do visual inspections, as well. By doing maintenance each year, you can avoid dealing with bigger problems later – or a poorly-timed unit breakdown.
5. Introduce a Ductless Solution
Ideal indoor moisture levels can be hard to achieve in all rooms of your Onalaska home. You may have an undersized or aging HVAC system. Or you may not have central air and ductwork that reaches all rooms.
That’s where a ductless system can be a solution. You can install them in particular rooms where the humidity levels are problematic. Think of ductless units as a way to spot-treat spaces that don’t seem to stay as comfortable.
Ultimately, a ductless unit can help you stay cooler on hot days in Texas. And although they are an added investment, you’ll be happy to get more functionality from your home.
6. Insulate Pipes
Pipes and ducts in your home are prone to developing condensation. These water droplets can trigger higher humidity levels, too, if you don’t take action. And this problem tends to become more pronounced on hot, humid days.
You can insulate pipes with foam, rubber, or fiberglass solutions. The insulation helps maintain warmth in the air around your pipes, preventing condensation. That, in turn, can help keep the humidity levels in check.
7. Keep Your Gutters Clean
You might be surprised that there’s another good reason to clean your gutters at least twice each year. When the Onalaska weather’s ideal, make a point of heading out to tackle this chore. You might just see better humidity levels as a result.
That’s because your gutters are likely full of water-soaked leaves and debris. If you don’t remove the debris, there’s always a chance the moisture can find a way inside your home. This can cause problems with mold and mildew, but the added moisture can also create more humid conditions.
Grab your ladder or hire a company to do the cleaning for you. You’ll help avoid leaks that can cause damage as well as higher humidity.
8. Avoid Appliances That Create Heat
Even if you’re craving brownies or pie in the middle of summer, you might want to wait. That’s because using an oven or other appliances can create more heat and humidity in your home. You’ll feel this even more if you live in a smaller home or have a smaller kitchen.
When you bake a few sheets of cookies, you’ll increase the humidity level in your oven with each new tray. Using your stovetop to boil water or cook just about anything contributes humidity to the air. Likewise, using dishwater can crank up humidity, as well.
Be mindful of when you use these appliances. Aim to limit their use on particularly hot Onalaska days. Or try to use them in the early mornings or evenings.
Maintain an Ideal Humidity Level
Keeping an ideal humidity level in your Onalaska home requires staying on top of HVAC maintenance and considering solutions like a dehumidifier or exhaust fan. Look into ductless units, as well. And plan on keeping your gutters clean, insulating pipes, and avoiding baking when the temperatures soar.
At Best Air Conditioning and Heating, we’ve been keeping East Texas homes cool and comfortable since 1983. Our skilled technicians can provide comprehensive HVAC solutions. Contact us today to learn more!