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The Benefits of a Professional HVAC Tune-Up Before Fall Arrives in Cold Spring, TX

By Sofia | Service Area

As the weather in Cold Spring, TX starts to change, there’s an unmistakable shift in the air—a gentle reminder that fall is on the horizon. It’s the time when the summer heat begins to wane, making way for cooler evenings and the cozy comforts of home. While it’s tempting to simply relish in the cooler temperatures, it’s also the perfect time to start thinking about your HVAC system. Ensuring your heating and cooling system is in top shape before the colder months settle in is key to enjoying a comfortable, stress-free season. That’s where a professional HVAC tune-up comes into play. But what exactly does this involve, and why is it so essential?

Understanding the Importance of HVAC Maintenance

A well-maintained HVAC system is like a well-oiled machine. Regular maintenance ensures that your system operates efficiently, minimizes the risk of unexpected breakdowns, and extends its overall lifespan. While many homeowners may overlook the need for a tune-up, especially if their system appears to be functioning well, neglecting regular maintenance can lead to costly repairs and inefficient operation.

In Cold Spring, TX, where seasonal changes can be unpredictable, having a reliable HVAC system is crucial. The last thing you want is for your heating system to fail when the first cold snap hits. A professional HVAC tune-up before fall ensures that your system is ready to handle the cooler months ahead, keeping your home warm and comfortable when it matters most.

What Does a Professional HVAC Tune-Up Include?

A comprehensive HVAC tune-up goes beyond a simple check-up. When performed by a skilled technician, it involves a thorough inspection and servicing of your entire system. Here’s what you can typically expect during a professional HVAC tune-up:

Inspection and Cleaning of Components

The technician will inspect and clean key components of your HVAC system, including the furnace, heat exchanger, blower motor, and air filters. Dust and debris can accumulate over time, leading to reduced efficiency and even system failure. Cleaning these components ensures your system runs smoothly and efficiently.

Checking for Proper Airflow

Proper airflow is essential for your HVAC system to function efficiently. During the tune-up, the technician will check for any obstructions or leaks in the ductwork, as well as ensure that vents and registers are clear. Poor airflow can lead to uneven heating, making some rooms colder than others.

Testing System Performance

The technician will test the overall performance of your HVAC system, including the thermostat, to ensure it’s accurately regulating the temperature. They’ll also check the system’s energy consumption and efficiency to identify any potential issues that could increase your energy bills.

Lubricating Moving Parts

Over time, the moving parts of your HVAC system can wear down due to friction. Lubricating these components reduces wear and tear, helping to extend the lifespan of your system and prevent premature breakdowns.

Checking Electrical Connections

Faulty or loose electrical connections can pose a significant risk to your HVAC system and your home’s safety. During a tune-up, the technician will inspect all electrical connections, tightening or repairing them as needed to ensure your system operates safely.

Calibrating the Thermostat

An incorrectly calibrated thermostat can cause your HVAC system to work harder than necessary, leading to higher energy bills and reduced comfort. The technician will check and recalibrate the thermostat to ensure it accurately reflects your home’s temperature settings.

The Benefits of a Fall HVAC Tune-Up

Scheduling an HVAC tune-up before fall offers several benefits, all of which contribute to a more comfortable and cost-effective heating season. Here are some of the key advantages:

Improved Energy Efficiency

A well-maintained HVAC system operates more efficiently, which can lead to significant energy savings. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, proper maintenance can reduce your energy consumption by up to 15%. With rising energy costs, this can make a substantial difference in your monthly utility bills.

Extended System Lifespan

Regular maintenance helps prevent wear and tear, extending the life of your HVAC system. Considering that a new HVAC system can cost thousands of dollars, investing in routine tune-ups is a cost-effective way to protect your investment and avoid the expense of an early replacement.

Reduced Risk of Breakdowns

There’s nothing worse than experiencing a heating system breakdown in the middle of winter. An HVAC tune-up helps identify and address potential issues before they become major problems, reducing the risk of unexpected breakdowns. This peace of mind is invaluable, especially during the colder months.

Enhanced Comfort

A tune-up ensures that your HVAC system is running at peak performance, providing consistent and reliable heating throughout your home. You won’t have to worry about cold spots or uneven temperatures, allowing you to enjoy a cozy and comfortable environment all season long.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

The cleanliness of your HVAC system plays a significant role in the quality of the air you breathe. During a tune-up, the technician will replace dirty air filters and clean components that can harbor dust, allergens, and other pollutants. This helps to improve indoor air quality, which is especially important for those with allergies or respiratory conditions.

Why Choose a Professional HVAC Tune-Up?

While some homeowners may be tempted to perform their own HVAC maintenance, a professional tune-up offers several advantages that are difficult to match with DIY efforts. Here’s why it’s worth investing in professional services:

Expertise and Experience

HVAC technicians are trained to identify and address issues that may not be apparent to the untrained eye. Their expertise ensures that your system receives the care it needs to operate at its best.

Comprehensive Service

A professional tune-up covers all aspects of your HVAC system, from inspection and cleaning to performance testing and repairs. This comprehensive service ensures that nothing is overlooked, giving you confidence in the reliability of your system.

Safety Assurance

HVAC systems involve complex electrical and mechanical components. Attempting to service your system without the proper knowledge can be dangerous. A professional technician ensures that all work is performed safely, reducing the risk of injury or damage to your home.

Guaranteed Results

When you hire a professional HVAC technician, you can trust that the job will be done right. Many companies offer warranties or guarantees on their services, providing added peace of mind.

The Importance of Timing: Why Schedule Your HVAC Tune-Up Before Fall?

Timing is everything when it comes to HVAC maintenance. Scheduling your tune-up before fall offers several important benefits:

Availability of Technicians

Fall is a busy season for HVAC professionals, as many homeowners realize the need for heating system maintenance. By scheduling your tune-up before the rush, you’re more likely to secure a convenient appointment time.

Avoiding the Last-Minute Rush

Waiting until the first cold snap to schedule your tune-up can leave you in a bind if your system needs repairs. By acting early, you can address any issues before they impact your comfort.

Optimal System Performance

An early tune-up ensures that your HVAC system is ready to go when you need it. You’ll enjoy reliable performance from the start of the season, with no worries about unexpected breakdowns or inefficiency.

For AC Service in Cold Spring, TX, Contact Best Air Conditioning & Heating Today

As the days grow shorter and the temperatures start to drop, now is the perfect time to schedule a professional HVAC tune-up. At Best Air Conditioning & Heating, we understand the importance of keeping your home comfortable and energy-efficient throughout the year. Our team of experienced technicians is dedicated to providing top-quality HVAC services to homeowners in Cold Spring, TX, and the surrounding areas.

Whether you need a routine tune-up, a repair, or a complete system replacement, you can trust us to deliver reliable and professional service. Don’t wait until the first cold snap to find out your system isn’t up to the task. Contact Best Air Conditioning & Heating today to schedule your HVAC tune-up and enjoy peace of mind all season long. With our expert care, your home will be ready to face the cooler months ahead.

ideal humidity level

8 Ways to Maintain Ideal Humidity Levels in Your Onalaska, TX Home

By HVAC Expert | Preventative Maintenance

Staying cool in Texas can be a challenge when the thermometer cranks up outside. But with the right preventative measures and some clever tricks, you can stay on top of humidity levels in your home.

Curious to learn more? Read on to learn about eight ways to maintain ideal humidity levels in your Onalaska, Texas home!

1. Add a Dehumidifier

One of the best ways to get better home humidity control is through a whole-house dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers can maintain more comfortable humidity levels and control condensation in your home. They also can help prevent mold and musty odors.

Dehumidifiers work in tandem with an AC unit to keep your air healthier and more comfortable. You can set a humidity level, too, so you don’t have to worry about constantly adjusting things.

Keep in mind that a whole-house dehumidifier is not cheap. You’ll need to budget for one, as the cost will easily climb north of $1,000 when you add in installation. For a larger unit in a larger home, you could be looking at closer to $3,000.

2. Get a Hygrometer

A hygrometer is a device that can measure the air’s water vapor levels. When you’re trying to prevent humidity issues or see if your intended solutions are working, you’ll want to get one of these handy tools. You can find them at most hardware stores.

Ideally, you’ll want your humidity levels to be between 30 and 50% in your Onalaska home. A number above that range can feel sticky. A number below that range can feel too dry and even affect parts of your home, like wooden furniture.

By staying aware of humidity, you can keep allergies at bay. You’ll also be providing cleaner air for your family!

3. Make Use of Exhaust Fans

Onalaska humidity tips also include getting exhaust fans. If you don’t have these installed in your kitchen or bathrooms, consider making the investment.

Exhaust fans work by transferring humidity from inside your home to the outside. In areas like bathrooms, which are a magnet for moisture, they can be especially helpful.

You’ll be able to regulate humidity in these spaces when you flip the switch to activate your fan. And, as a result, you can stave off mold and mildew.

As a bonus, you’ll end up with fresher air, too. After cooking a meal in your kitchen, you won’t be left with stagnant odors from whatever you’ve prepared.

4. Stay on Top of Maintainance

You can maintain optimal home climate conditions if you commit to routine maintenance of your HVAC system. Your AC plays a pivotal role in keeping your home’s air healthy and appealing. Without maintenance, you run the risk of hurting your HVAC system’s longevity and compromising air quality.

Annual routine maintenance for your AC includes coolant level checks and electrical system inspections. You can expect your technicians to look at thermostat calibration and do visual inspections, as well. By doing maintenance each year, you can avoid dealing with bigger problems later – or a poorly-timed unit breakdown.

5. Introduce a Ductless Solution

Ideal indoor moisture levels can be hard to achieve in all rooms of your Onalaska home. You may have an undersized or aging HVAC system. Or you may not have central air and ductwork that reaches all rooms.

That’s where a ductless system can be a solution. You can install them in particular rooms where the humidity levels are problematic. Think of ductless units as a way to spot-treat spaces that don’t seem to stay as comfortable.

Ultimately, a ductless unit can help you stay cooler on hot days in Texas. And although they are an added investment, you’ll be happy to get more functionality from your home.

6. Insulate Pipes

Pipes and ducts in your home are prone to developing condensation. These water droplets can trigger higher humidity levels, too, if you don’t take action. And this problem tends to become more pronounced on hot, humid days.

You can insulate pipes with foam, rubber, or fiberglass solutions. The insulation helps maintain warmth in the air around your pipes, preventing condensation. That, in turn, can help keep the humidity levels in check.

7. Keep Your Gutters Clean

You might be surprised that there’s another good reason to clean your gutters at least twice each year. When the Onalaska weather’s ideal, make a point of heading out to tackle this chore. You might just see better humidity levels as a result.

That’s because your gutters are likely full of water-soaked leaves and debris. If you don’t remove the debris, there’s always a chance the moisture can find a way inside your home. This can cause problems with mold and mildew, but the added moisture can also create more humid conditions.

Grab your ladder or hire a company to do the cleaning for you. You’ll help avoid leaks that can cause damage as well as higher humidity.

8. Avoid Appliances That Create Heat

Even if you’re craving brownies or pie in the middle of summer, you might want to wait. That’s because using an oven or other appliances can create more heat and humidity in your home. You’ll feel this even more if you live in a smaller home or have a smaller kitchen.

When you bake a few sheets of cookies, you’ll increase the humidity level in your oven with each new tray. Using your stovetop to boil water or cook just about anything contributes humidity to the air. Likewise, using dishwater can crank up humidity, as well.

Be mindful of when you use these appliances. Aim to limit their use on particularly hot Onalaska days. Or try to use them in the early mornings or evenings.

Maintain an Ideal Humidity Level

Keeping an ideal humidity level in your Onalaska home requires staying on top of HVAC maintenance and considering solutions like a dehumidifier or exhaust fan. Look into ductless units, as well. And plan on keeping your gutters clean, insulating pipes, and avoiding baking when the temperatures soar.

At Best Air Conditioning and Heating, we’ve been keeping East Texas homes cool and comfortable since 1983. Our skilled technicians can provide comprehensive HVAC solutions. Contact us today to learn more!

ac tune-up

Preparing For Hurricane Season: Why an AC Tune-Up Is More Important than Ever in Point Blank, TX

By HVAC Expert | Preventative Maintenance

Did you know that the average hurricane season can cause serious disruptions to home cooling systems? And in a city like Point Blank, TX, where temperatures soar, an AC breakdown during a hurricane can be a major issue.

So making sure your AC is hurricane-ready is a must. Today, we’re taking a closer look into why an AC tune-up is more important than ever this season!

Why AC Tune-Up is Essential Before Hurricane Season

An AC tune-up is vital before hurricane season begins. Your air conditioning system works hard to keep your home cool. And this is especially true in the hot and humid climate of Point Blank, TX.

Without regular maintenance, your AC can lose efficiency and reliability. This can lead to potential failures when you need it most.

During a hurricane, the last thing you want is for your AC to break down. Regular tune-ups help prevent this by ensuring all components are in good working order.

An AC tune-up includes checking refrigerant levels, cleaning the coils, inspecting electrical connections, and ensuring the thermostat works correctly. These checks help your system run smoothly and efficiently, reducing the risk of unexpected breakdowns.

When a hurricane hits, power outages and fluctuations are common. A well-maintained AC is better equipped to handle these challenges without suffering damage.

Key Components 

Preparing your AC for hurricane season involves several key steps. First, a technician will check the refrigerant levels.

Low refrigerant can reduce cooling efficiency, making your system work harder than necessary. Keeping the refrigerant at optimal levels ensures your AC can handle the extra load during hot, stormy weather.

Next, cleaning the coils is vital. Dirty coils make it harder for your AC to transfer heat.

This can cause the system to overheat and fail. Regularly cleaning the coils helps maintain efficient operation and prevents overheating.

Inspecting electrical connections is another critical part of an AC tune-up. Loose or corroded connections can cause electrical faults, leading to system failures. Ensuring all connections are secure and in good condition helps prevent these issues.

The technician will also examine the thermostat. A malfunctioning thermostat can cause your AC to run improperly, either overcooling or not cooling enough. Calibrating the thermostat ensures accurate temperature control.

Checking and cleaning the air filters is also really important. Clogged filters restrict airflow, making your AC work harder and reducing its efficiency. 

Benefits of Regular AC Maintenance in Point Blank

Regular AC maintenance offers several benefits, especially in a place like Point Blank, TX. One of the main advantages is improved energy efficiency. When your AC system is well-maintained, it runs more smoothly and uses less energy.

This means lower utility bills, which is always a plus. Maintenance also extends the lifespan of your system. Regular tune-ups can prevent minor issues from becoming major problems, saving you money on costly repairs or replacements.

Another benefit is better air quality. Clean filters and coils help your AC system to circulate cleaner air throughout your home.

Regular AC maintenance also provides peace of mind. Knowing that your system has been checked and serviced by a professional gives you confidence that it will perform well. And this is so important during the intense conditions of hurricane season.

Hurricane Preparedness Tips for Your AC System

Preparing your AC system for hurricane season involves a few practical steps. First, secure your outdoor unit. High winds can cause debris to fly around, potentially damaging the unit.

Use a sturdy cover designed for AC units, or even plywood, to shield it from debris. Make sure it’s well-ventilated to avoid overheating.

Using surge protectors is another good idea. Hurricanes often cause power surges, which can damage your AC system’s electrical components. Installing a surge protector can help protect your system from these sudden spikes in power.

Preparing for power outages is also important. Hurricanes can knock out power for extended periods, so having a backup plan is wise.

A generator can keep your AC running, or at least provide some cooling relief if the main system goes down. Make sure your generator is in good working order and that you have enough fuel to last through the storm.

And check the drainage around your AC unit. Heavy rains can cause flooding, which might damage the unit.

Make sure water can drain away from the unit properly. Keep the area around your unit clear of leaves, dirt, and other debris. That will help maintain good drainage and protect your system from water damage.

Importance of Professional AC Service in Point Blank, TX

In Point Blank, TX, the weather can be extreme. So having a reliable AC system is vital. Professional technicians have the skills and knowledge to thoroughly inspect and tune up your AC.

They can identify potential problems that might not be obvious to a homeowner. By catching these issues early, they can prevent costly repairs or replacements down the line.

A professional service includes more than just a basic check-up. Technicians will clean and adjust components, ensuring everything is operating efficiently.

They can also provide advice on any upgrades or changes that might improve your system’s performance. This comprehensive approach ensures that your AC is ready to handle the demands of hurricane season.

Plus, professional services often come with guarantees or warranties. This means you have peace of mind knowing that if something goes wrong, the service provider will take care of it. Regular professional maintenance can extend the life of your AC system, saving you money in the long run.

Choosing a local HVAC service in Point Blank, TX, means you’re getting someone familiar with the local climate and challenges.

AC Hurricane Readiness: The Importance of AC Service

Preparing your home for hurricane season in Point Blank, TX, includes ensuring your AC system is ready. An AC tune-up, professional maintenance, and backup solutions are key steps. 

Best Air Conditioning and Heating has served the Point Blank area for more than four decades. We’re family owned and operated, and our number one priority is to provide the best HVAC services. And to do it with a smile.

Get in touch today to find out how we can help with all your HVAC needs!

are refrigerant leaks dangerous

The Dangers of Ignoring an AC Refrigerant Leak in Livingston, TX

By HVAC Expert | Service Area

Have you ever stepped into a swelteringly hot home, only to find your AC hissing like a deflated balloon? This could be a telltale sign of a refrigerant leak. It’s a problem many homeowners in Livingston, TX overlook until it morphs into a costly nightmare.

Refrigerant leaks don’t just disrupt comfort. They pose significant health and environmental risks. This makes addressing them not just a matter of convenience, but a crucial safety concern.

Are refrigerant leaks dangerous? Absolutely. Ignoring them can compromise both your health and the efficiency of your cooling system and lead to bigger headaches down the line. This article dives deep into why a proactive stance on this issue is not just advisable, but essential.

Keep reading to discover how undetected leaks can spiral into major hazards and why ensuring your AC is in peak condition is paramount for your home’s sanctuary.

What are Refrigerant Leaks?

A refrigerant is a substance used in air conditioning systems to absorb heat from the environment and effectively cool your home. These substances are crucial for any AC system to function properly. However, a refrigerant leak is a common issue that can undermine the efficiency and safety of your system.

Leaks can occur due to several reasons, such as:

  • Corrosion
  • Loose fittings
  • Damage to the system over time

For example, if an AC unit is not maintained regularly, wear and tear on the hoses and connections can lead to a leak.

When there is a refrigerant leak, the AC system cannot cool the air effectively. It can lead to longer run times and increased energy costs. It’s like trying to fill a punctured balloon with air; no matter how much you put in, it never fully inflates.

This not only stresses your AC system but also increases your electricity bills significantly. Recognizing and addressing these leaks early through proactive AC maintenance is essential to ensure your air conditioner continues to perform optimally and economically.

Are Refrigerant Leaks Dangerous?

The risks associated with refrigerant leaks extend beyond just mechanical issues; they can seriously impact your health. Exposure to the chemicals in refrigerants can lead to refrigerant poisoning, which manifests in symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, nausea, and in severe cases, asphyxiation.

Prolonged exposure can be particularly dangerous. It affects the central nervous system and causes more severe health issues.

Children and the elderly are especially vulnerable to the effects of toxic refrigerants. Their bodies are less capable of handling harsh chemicals. This makes them more susceptible to respiratory problems and other health complications.

Moreover, poor indoor air quality exacerbated by a refrigerant leak can lead to chronic respiratory problems, allergies, and other ailments. Ensuring that your air conditioning system is free of leaks is vital for maintaining good indoor air quality and protecting the health of everyone in your home.

Impact on AC System Efficiency and Longevity

When your air conditioning system has a refrigerant leak, it struggles to keep up with your cooling demands. The system has to run longer and work harder, which not only drops its efficiency but also accelerates wear and tear on its components.

For instance, when there isn’t enough refrigerant, the compressor; which is the heart of your AC; must operate for longer periods. This extra strain can lead to overheating and eventual failure. Repairing or replacing a compressor can be costly, and regular checks for leaks can prevent these expenses.

Moreover, refrigerant leaks can cause other parts of the system to fail prematurely. The evaporator and condenser coils, for example, rely on a precise charge of refrigerant to function correctly.

If the levels are off due to a leak, these components won’t absorb and release heat efficiently. This can lead to further inefficiencies and potential breakdowns.

Ultimately, addressing leaks not only maintains AC performance but also extends the lifespan of the system.

Financial and Environmental Costs

A refrigerant leak in your AC system can hit your wallet hard. Due to decreased efficiency, the system consumes more electricity which can lead to higher energy bills. Over time, this adds up, and the cost of ignoring a leak can far exceed the expense of fixing it.

The environmental impact of refrigerant leaks is also significant. Many refrigerants used in air conditioning systems are potent greenhouse gases. When they escape into the atmosphere, they contribute to global warming.

For example, the common refrigerant R-22 has a global warming potential that is nearly 1,800 times greater than carbon dioxide. The phasedown of such substances under international agreements highlights the need to prevent leaks and properly handle these chemicals.

Prevention and Management of Refrigerant Leaks

Preventing and managing refrigerant leaks is crucial for maintaining your air conditioning system’s efficiency and longevity. Regular maintenance checks are the first line of defense against these leaks.

Professional HVAC technicians can identify and repair leaks early, before they become more severe and costly. For instance, during routine maintenance, a technician might use specialized equipment to test for and locate leaks, and ensure that your system is not only efficient but also safe.

In addition to regular inspections, implementing a maintenance plan can be a proactive way to manage your AC system. These plans typically include periodic checks of the refrigerant levels and inspection of the lines, coils, and connectors for signs of wear and potential leaks.

By staying ahead of maintenance, you can extend the life of your AC unit, improve its performance, and avoid the high costs associated with a major repair or replacement due to neglected leaks.

Secure Your Comfort and Safety in Livingston, TX

Are refrigerant leaks dangerous? Yes, they can be. From the detrimental health effects to the inefficiencies in your AC system, the stakes are high. Maintaining your indoor air quality and ensuring your AC performs optimally is not just about comfort; it’s about safety and sustainability.

At Best Air Conditioning and Heating, we stand ready to safeguard your home against these risks with our expert AC maintenance services. Don’t wait for the problem to escalate. Contact us today and experience the peace of mind that comes from top-notch care and unparalleled expertise.

ac inspection

Get Ready for Summer: Preseason AC Inspections and Repairs in Corrigan, TX

By HVAC Expert | Service Area

Like two-thirds of homes nationwide that rely on central AC, yours must be ready to face the heat. The summer season is around the corner. Don’t wait until the first heatwave hits to discover your AC isn’t up for the challenge.

Preseason AC inspections and repairs are like a check-up for your air conditioner. They ensure your system is clean and running efficiently. This can involve cleaning dirty parts, checking refrigerant levels, and fixing minor issues to prevent major breakdowns.

Dreading the scorching Corrigan summer without a reliable AC? We’ll help get your air conditioner ready. So, say goodbye to summer sweat and hello to cool comfort – keep reading to ensure your AC is in great shape.

Why a Pre-Season AC Inspection Is a Wise Choice for Your Corrigan Home

It’s a smart decision to inspect the AC before the summer heat arrives in Corrigan, TX. The inspection offers several benefits for you and your home. Let’s explore them below:

Avoid Summertime Emergencies

Imagine the scenario: it’s a scorching Texas summer day, and your AC suddenly stops working. The house is sweltering, and you’re facing the prospect of a lengthy repair. You may even face a costly replacement.

It would happen during the busiest (and most expensive) time for HVAC companies. A pre-season inspection is like a preventative measure for your AC. The technician will find any problems with your unit during this thorough check-up.

They will find them before they become major breakdowns. Expect the technician to replace worn parts. They will also tighten loose connections and check refrigerant levels.

Boost Your AC’s Efficiency and Save Money

Over time, dust builds up. Clogged air filters and worn parts hurt your residential air conditioner. Like a car engine, your AC needs regular maintenance to run smoothly and efficiently.

A pre-season inspection and tune-up address these issues. The technician will clean the unit’s coils and replace air filters to ensure all parts work. This optimization can significantly improve your AC’s efficiency. With a well-maintained system, your AC won’t have to work as hard to keep your home cool.

Peace of Mind Throughout the Season

Knowing your AC works well brings a sense of security. It also gives peace of mind during the scorching Texas summers. You can relax and enjoy the season.

No more surprise breakdowns or struggling AC. Nothing beats the feeling of turning on your AC on a hot day. You know it will cool your Corrigan home well and without any worries.

What Happens During a Pre-Season AC Inspection?

There’s little heavy lifting required on your part for a pre-season AC inspection and repair. The most helpful thing you can do is turn off your AC unit and locate your owner’s manual. Owner’s manuals might have specific recommendations for preparing your unit for an inspection.

No need to move furniture or clear anything around the AC unit itself. The technician will be able to access everything they need to inspect. They’ll likely ask about your AC system, so be prepared to share things like how old your unit is, if you’ve noticed any recent issues with cooling, and how often you typically change the air filter.

The technician will first inspect your AC closely, both inside and outside. They’ll look for loose parts and signs of wear on belts or parts. The inspection also includes examining damage (broken AC) that might have happened over the winter and preparing it for fall.

Checking the Electrical Components and Cleaning for Better Performance

Just like any other appliance, your AC relies on electricity to function properly. The technician will check the unit’s electrical components. They do this to ensure the voltage is correct and all the wires and connections are secure.

Safety and efficiency are key. So, this electrical check ensures your AC runs smoothly and without risks. The technician will clean your air filter to remove dust and debris.

Testing and Ensuring Everything Is Cool

After checking and cleaning everything, the technician will test your AC system to ensure it’s working well. They will check the levels of the refrigerant, the coolant that helps your AC produce cold air. They’ll also test the airflow to ensure cool air circulates effectively throughout your home.

After the inspection, the technician will discuss any potential AC problems they have discovered. They’ll also recommend necessary repairs or maintenance to ensure your AC is ready for summer. Recommendations include replacing a worn belt or a refrigerant top-up.

Cost Breakdown for the Service

The cost of a preseason inspection is an investment in your comfort and peace of mind. A well-maintained AC system runs more efficiently and saves money on energy bills. Costs of a preseason AC inspection can vary depending on several factors, including:

  • The Size or Complexity of the AC Unit: Larger or more complex systems may need a more thorough inspection
  • The Technician’s Experience: More experienced technicians may charge slightly higher rates
  • Additional Services Required: If the inspection reveals the need for minor repairs, expect additional charges

However, most reputable companies offer transparent pricing structures. You may pay a flat fee for the inspection itself. Any additional repairs are quoted separately before any work is done.

Budgeting for a preseason AC repair and inspection is a smart way to avoid unexpected costs. To do it, find out the average cost in your area and factor that amount into your yearly home maintenance budget. You should also find out from the company about the preseason AC maintenance packages.

Preseason maintenance packages often include inspection and cleaning. Ask if there’s a discount on repairs or financial incentives. All in all, ensure every expense is within your spending limits.

Ensure a Cool Summer With a Pre-Season AC Inspection Today

By prioritizing a pre-season AC inspection and repairs, you can prevent summer meltdowns. You’ll also ensure your air conditioner operates efficiently throughout the hot season. It’s a great way to save money on energy bills.

For the best AC inspections and repairs in Corrigan, TX, count on Best Air Conditioning and Heating today. Our team of qualified technicians is here to offer top-notch service and ensure your home’s comfort throughout the entire year. Beat the summer heat – schedule your inspection now for exclusive offers and deals

AC emergency

Signs It’s Time for AC Repair: Spring Edition for Woodville, TX Residents

By HVAC Expert | Preventative Maintenance

The usual lifespan for a central air conditioner is about 15 to 20 years. Without routine HVAC maintenance, however, it could break down. You may need AC emergency repair services sooner than expected.

Neglecting to request AC repair services can cause your energy bills to rise. Not sure if you need to call a technician? Read on to discover the signs it’s time to request services in Woodville, TX.

Constant Issues

Request HVAC maintenance if you’ve experienced multiple issues over a few months. Perhaps you’ve needed to repair or replace multiple components. Maybe your system constantly shuts down.

Each time your system stops working, it will try to reach your desired temperature. The system’s energy use will increase, leading to higher energy bills. 

If your air conditioner is regularly tripping the breaker, you may need AC repair services. Don’t try to fix your AC alone. Handle any necessary electrical work to a professional team.

Your HVAC system should maintain a routine cooling cycle, regardless of the weather outside. It shouldn’t cycle on and off constantly. This problem could indicate you need a new system. 

Trouble Cooling Your Home

Check the thermostat if warm air is blowing through the vents as spring temperatures rise. Confirm that your system is set to cooling mode. Set it lower than your home’s current temperature.

If the system is still producing warm air, there may be a problem with the compressor. Restricted airflow can also cause the system to blow out warm air.

Call for AC repair services right away. Otherwise, the unit’s energy efficiency will drop.

An experienced HVAC technician can assess your unit. Common reasons the unit is producing warm air include:

  • Duct leakage
  • Condenser issues
  • Low refrigerant
  • Leaking refrigerant
  • Air duct blockages
  • A sluggish fan
  • Dirty coils
  • A broken motor
  • A clogged air filter

If you don’t schedule AC repair services, the unit will continue to push itself. Essential components may experience wear and tear. The entire unit could break down.

Before this happens, schedule routine HVAC maintenance. Request services in the fall or spring, before extreme temperatures roll in. You may struggle to get an appointment during the busier winter and summer months.

Routine maintenance will allow a technician to spot signs of wear and tear. They can replace parts and offer solutions before the unit breaks down. Systems that receive attention from professionals can last up to 40% longer.

Fluctuating Energy Costs

Compare your energy expenses from this month to the same time last year. Have your energy expenses increased year over year? There may be a problem with your HVAC unit.

If a component is worn down, the unit will work harder to produce cool air. It could push itself, leading to more broken components. In time, the entire system will break down. 

Talk to an experienced HVAC technician. They can recommend solutions to help improve your home’s energy efficiency.

They may recommend you switch to a new HVAC unit. Choose an ENERGY STAR-qualified system. You can reduce costs and avoid emitting greenhouse gasses. 

Even an old air filter can affect the unit’s energy efficiency. The unit will work harder to push air through the clogged filter. Your energy bills could rise.

It’s possible air is leaking into or out of your home. You may want to switch to energy-efficient windows or improve your home’s insulation. These changes can help reduce energy expenses.

Moisture and Mold

Your AC unit may cause mold growth if it doesn’t run during cold winter months. When the surrounding air gets cool, moisture will condense, causing mold. Once temperatures increase and you turn the system on, your AC will blow mold spores throughout your home.

Call an HVAC technician who can improve your home’s air quality. Breathing in mold spores could cause:

  • Dizziness
  • Asthmatic symptoms
  • Skin irritation
  • Postnasal drip
  • Headaches
  • Itchy, red eyes
  • Stuffy or runny noses

Mold exposure can make asthma symptoms worse. You may experience shortness of breath, wheezing, or coughing. Consult a medical professional if you experience these symptoms. 

Your HVAC system should moderate moisture levels within your home. If it can’t keep levels at a comfortable range, you may need repair services. Your technician can recommend a dehumidifier to make your home more comfortable. 

Strange Sounds and Odors

You may notice your unit has started producing strange sounds. While it’s running, you may hear a clicking sound. This could indicate there’s an obstruction.

Clicking sounds from an outdoor unit that won’t turn on indicates an electrical problem. Allow a professional to assess the unit.

If you hear a bubbling or gurgling sound, it’s likely the condensate drain line. There may be a refrigerant leak, which can lead to additional problems.

A clanging or banging sound could indicate the outdoor unit’s fan is hitting something. Check for obstructions. The fan’s mount may be loose.

A squealing sound from the indoor unit usually means a fan belt problem. A damaged belt can cause the entire unit to stop working.

Metal-on-metal screening could mean the fan motor bearings are going out. A high-pitched hissing or screaming is likely coming from the compressor.

This sound indicates a high-pressure buildup. Turn off your system until a professional arrives. 

Strange smells could indicate mold growth. Bacteria can grow on the coil. Spores will spread throughout your home, affecting your health. 


When was the last time you replaced your HVAC system? Remember, a unit typically lasts between 15 and 20 years. If your system is older than that, call an HVAC maintenance company. 

Don’t forget to schedule seasonal HVAC check-ups. An experienced technician can extend the lifespan of your unit. They can keep the system functioning properly and efficiently.

Request Woodville AC Emergency Services

Do any of these issues sound familiar? If so, request AC emergency services in Woodville right away. Don’t wait for the entire system to break down. 

Trust our team at Best Air Conditioning and Heating. We’ve served the Greater Lake Livingston, TX area since 1983.

We strive to provide you and your family the highest level of comfort. Our knowledgeable technicians are here to help. Contact us today to request emergency services. 

keeping your home warm

Tips for Keeping Your Home Warm and Cozy Without Breaking the Bank in Cold Spring, TX

By HVAC Expert | Service Area

If you’re trying to save money on your utility bills, experts recommend keeping your thermostat at a chilly 68 degrees in the winter. This temperature can help you reduce heating costs while preserving your health.

However, for some of us, this recommendation is nowhere near warm enough for comfort! Worse, rising energy costs can make it hard to turn up the heat as much as we’d like.

Fortunately, keeping your home warm without breaking the bank is easier than you might think. With a few simple changes, you can keep your heater on low while enjoying warmer indoor temperatures. If you’re ready to enhance your household’s comfort, here are our best tips for staying cozy for less.

Change Your Furnace Filter

Changing a filter is such a basic heating maintenance task that it’s easy to forget. You should change your filter at least once every 90 days, depending on your household makeup, for as long as you’re using your furnace.

This simple change can make a huge difference! Sometimes, homeowners who initially believe they need heating repairs find that a clean filter does the trick instead. Once a furnace can circulate warm air through your home without needing to push it through a clogged filter, a lot of minor problems can disappear.

Seal Your Home

If you have poor insulation around your home, you’re letting some of your expensive heat escape outdoors. Taking the time to air-seal your home can ramp up your insulation and keep you warmer all winter long.

Start with basic tasks like sealing drafts around your windows and doors. A bit of caulk around the frames, weather stripping around window glass, or a door draft stopper at the bottom of a door may be the only things you need. Some homeowners with especially bad drafts get great results from draping a curtain over a window or even a front door, as this can help trap cold air in a single area.

In addition, do an inspection of the rest of your home for air-sealing purposes. Cracks around air ducts, gaps around pipes, and loose siding can let out some of your heat. Addressing these issues is crucial if you want to lower your energy bills.

Insulation is even more important in unheated spaces like attics, garages, and basements. You can often add insulation without the extra cost of opening up your walls, and certain types of insulation will be relatively cheap. Do your homework to find the most cost-effective options for your budget.

Move Your Furniture

Moving your furniture away from vents and registers can help boost the heating throughout your home. Though this may sound obvious, you’d be surprised how often we see homeowners move their furniture in front of vents for the summer and forget to move them again in the winter! When your vents are free of obstructions, your system is more efficient, heats your home faster, and will often cost you a bit less on your utility bills.

Let In the Light

During the day, pull back the curtains to let in the sun. Natural light can keep your home warm, and it may even allow you to rely on your heater less often, saving you money.

Whenever possible, stay near east-facing windows in the morning and west-facing windows in the afternoon to see the most benefits. Closing your curtains at sundown can keep the warm air from the sun trapped inside for a while.

Program Your Thermostat

If you have a programmable thermostat, scheduling your heating needs is a great way to save money during the winter.

This device allows you to crank up the temperature when you’re home and lower it while you’re away. It also makes this schedule a no-brainer, as you’ll never have to remember to adjust your thermostat on the way in or out to save money.

You should also consider lowering the temperature a little while you sleep. Stacking your bed with blankets or an electric heating pad is a much less expensive way to keep warm while you’re staying in one area of your home.

Change Your Ceiling Fans

Sometimes, it can get stuffy indoors when you’re running your heater, especially if you’ve sealed your home and kept the windows shut for a while.

Using your ceiling fan can help circulate air, but make sure you’ve set it to spin clockwise in the winter. Doing so pushes warm air toward the floor while directing cool air toward the ceiling.

Only Heat the Room You’re In

For certain types of HVAC systems, this tip will be a breeze. Make sure you’re only using your mini-split, radiator, or other ductless system in the room you’re in. This helps you avoid wasting energy on areas you won’t be spending time in.

With a central HVAC system, it might be tempting to use the same strategy by closing the vents in areas where you spend the least amount of time. Resist the urge! Doing so can make your system work harder to heat your home.

Instead, if you know you’ll only be in a single room, consider using an inexpensive standalone space heater to reduce your heating expenses.

Get a Seasonal Tune-Up

Last, but not least, reach out for professional maintenance. Regular tune-ups can keep your system at peak performance all season long. By helping you improve efficiency, the expense of this maintenance will often pay for itself.

During a tune-up, your technician will look for signs of wear and tear, clean dirty components, lubricate moving parts, and ensure the safety of your system. They’re also your best bet for avoiding frustrating furnace repairs or a faulty heat pump in the dead of winter.

Start Keeping Your Home Warm

If you’re hoping to get more out of your heating system this winter, supplement its efforts with our tips for keeping your home warm! Giving your heater a bit of TLC while making a few simple changes leads to more efficient heating, which helps with your energy bills.

As you work to ensure your home’s comfort, we hope you’ll choose Best Air and Heating as your trusted partner. Our seasoned technicians are proud to offer expert HVAC repair and maintenance services throughout the Cold Spring area and beyond. To schedule service, contact us at 936-213-5116.

heating installation

Choosing the Right Commercial Heating System for Your Onalaska, TX Business

By HVAC Expert | Service Area

Studies have found that 53% of employees are less productive in a cold workplace. If your heating system isn’t putting out warm air in the winter, it may be time for a replacement.

The ideal heating system is energy-efficient, cost-effective, and requires little maintenance. With multiple options on the market, how do you choose the right unit before scheduling heating installation?

Keep reading to learn how to decide on the right heating system for your Onalaska, TX, business.

Know Your Options

The first thing you need to know about choosing a commercial heating system is that you have options. By understanding the heating options out there, you can evaluate how you can benefit from each of them.

These are commonly used options for businesses:

  • Unit Heaters
  • Water Oil/Gas Heaters
  • Steam Oil/Gas Heaters
  • Heat Pumps
  • Natural Energy

We’ll discuss a little about each of them and how they can help you Onalaska, TX, business.

Unit Heaters

Unit heaters are popular for businesses that have warehouses, but they can also be used for offices and large buildings. This type of heater utilizes a simple fan assembly that blows over a coil into your space.

These heaters can run on different fuel types from natural gas to electricity. You can choose the fuel type that is more readily available in your area.

Water Oil/Gas Heaters

A water-based heating system uses a boiler to heat the water until it turns into steam. The steam is passed through radiators throughout the office to let off heat.

The boiler has to heat up and the air must be cleared from the system before the heat is felt.

Steam Oil/Gas Heaters

A steam oil/gas heater is more traditional for businesses. This type of heating system uses boiled fossil fuels.

The fossil fuels are condensed to create steam that is passed through pipes in a building. This system also requires a boiler to heat up before the steam is passed through the pipes of the building.

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps work by extracting heat from cold air. They utilize a refrigerant that pumps generated heat to the commercial space.

Instead of fossil fuels, heat pumps utilize air from the environment. If your business has a focus on green practices, this is a great alternative heating system.

Heat pumps come with a significant upfront cost, but businesses can benefit from long-term savings.

Natural Energy

Another sustainable heating option involves using natural energy. These types of HVAC systems use sustainable resources for power, such as:

  • Wind power
  • Geothermal power
  • Solar power

These heating systems don’t use fossil fuels so they can reduce your company’s carbon footprint.

You’ll have to pay higher than normal installation costs for natural energy systems. However, you’ll reap a higher return on investment in the long run because you’ll significantly lower your energy bill.

Texas offers an annual property tax exemption for commercial renewable energy systems.

Consider Square Footage

You need to determine the square footage of your commercial building that requires heating. Knowing the size of your space will help you identify the correct sized system.

A system that is too small won’t provide ample heating. A system that is too large is inefficient and costly.

Some business owners believe bigger means better when they need a new HVAC installation. This is rarely ever the case.

If you want to keep your company’s indoor environment comfortable and warm throughout the winter, you need a properly sized system.

Assess Energy Efficiency

If you are replacing an HVAC system because it is eating up energy, don’t make the mistake of choosing a new system that will do the same.

Commercial HVAC systems are high-energy consumers. Evaluating the energy efficiency of the options on the market is key to saving energy and keeping your costs low.

Choosing an HVAC system with a high SEER rating can save money on your energy bills. The higher the SEER rating, the less energy is required to produce an adequate amount of heat.

Consider additional features that are energy efficient, such as:

  • Zoned heating
  • Programmable thermostats
  • Variable-speed motors

Regular maintenance after your commercial heating installation can also go a long way in ensuring your system is efficient.

Think About Indoor Air Quality

A heating system does more than pump heat into the air. HVAC systems are responsible for indoor air quality as well.

Poor indoor air quality leads to negative health effects for customers and employees. When you choose a commercial heating installation, consider systems with air purification components.

A focus on indoor air quality can help eliminate bacteria, mold, and allergens from the air.

Evaluate Price and Warranty

The price isn’t the only thing that matters when choosing a heating system, but it is an important factor. You’ll want to install a heater that you can afford to maintain. There are a lot of options on the market that range in price.

It helps to create a budget and a list of non-negotiables. Go for the system that meets your requirements and fits your budget.

Another money-saving tip is to evaluate the warranty of your system. Many HVAC system manufacturers offer warranties covering replacements and repairs for a certain amount of time.

If you find a cheaper unit with some of your requirements but a short warranty, it might be worth it to splurge on a better system with a lifetime warranty.

Keep in mind that if you opt for an energy-efficient system, you will likely pay higher upfront costs. Consider calculating the long-term savings you will reap to help with budgeting.

Let Us Handle Your Heating Installation

There are many factors to consider when choosing the right commercial heating system. Once you decide on an option, let Best Air Conditioning and Heating handle the heating installation for you.

We’ve been proudly serving Onalaska, TX, and nearby areas since 1983. Our family-owned and operated business puts customers first, and always with a smile.

For quality and friendly cooling and heating services, contact us today. Our specialists can help you choose a heating system and install it.

furnace noises and what they mean

Furnace Noises and What They Mean: A Guide for Homeowners in Livingston, TX

By HVAC Expert | Preventative Maintenance

The holidays are just around the corner, bringing joyous sounds of merrymaking and Christmas carols. So, it can be unsettling if what you hear instead are “ghost-like” banging or whistling noises at home.

While you likely don’t have to worry about those noises being paranormal, you still need to investigate them. They could be coming from your furnace, signaling a heating system issue.

You don’t want a broken furnace, especially not with Texas possibly having an unseasonably cold and stormy winter this year.

So, in this guide, we’ll talk about normal and abnormal furnace noises and what they mean. We’ll also discuss the steps to take if you hear them and how to prevent them, so read on. 

Furnace Noises and What They Mean

You’ll usually hear a minor clicking or popping sound when you turn your furnace on for the first time.

The initial click is likely from your system’s ignitor. It can produce this sound as it lights the burner.

On the other hand, a few pops here and there can come from your system’s metal parts. They can result from the metal expanding as it heats up.

Those sounds should mellow down or disappear after a few minutes. You may then hear a dull thrumming as your system kicks into gear.

But if your furnace makes any of the following noises, take them as a sign of an abnormality. 

Repetitive Clicking

This sound often results from a furnace ignitor being unable to ignite or keep the pilot light lit. As a result, it will keep trying to do its job, hence the repetitive clicking.

The pilot light may fail to ignite if its tube is dirty or it doesn’t get enough gas. Not receiving enough gas could be due to a leaking or clogged gas line. 

Continuous or Loud Popping

Dirt and debris build-up in a furnace burner can cause continuous popping sounds. The particles themselves can produce these noises as they burn. Conversely, it could be due to the gas building up and then popping as it finally ignites.


If you, a loved one, or a friend has respiratory allergies, you likely know that these can cause wheezing. You may also be aware that this is often due to allergens and pollutants obstructing the airways.

But did you know that air contaminants can also make your furnace wheeze?

That usually occurs when filters get so dirty they already impede airflow. As a result, the furnace has to work harder to “suck” air in through the clogged filter. This difficulty getting air in can make it sound like it’s wheezing. 

Grinding or Scraping

These noises typically result from metal parts grinding against each other.

For example, dry and worn bearings can cause gears to rub against other metal parts. Another is a loose blower wheel scraping against its case.


As with loud popping sounds, booming noises can indicate dirty burners. However, it may also mean that there’s far more debris in the burners, causing more gas to build up. So when that vast amount of gas finally ignites, it can go “boom!”

Booming noises can also signal that your furnace’s heat exchanger has cracked. This is dangerous, as a cracked heat exchanger can leak toxic gases into your home. One of these is carbon monoxide (CO), which is poisonous and deadly

A cracked heat exchanger can cause booming noises as its damaged part contracts and expands.

Hissing or Whistling

If you hear this and a rotten egg-like stench permeates the air, you likely have a natural gas leak.

Natural gas, in its natural state, is colorless and odorless. For this reason, gas companies mix it with mercaptan, an odorant, to make it easier to detect. This is vital as natural gas leaks can cause poisoning, fires, and explosions

What to Do When You Hear Furnace Noises

Booming sounds that you suspect are from a cracked heat exchanger can be a heating emergency. The same goes for hissing/whistling accompanied by a rotten egg-like stench.

If you experience these symptoms, please switch your furnace and gas valve off ASAP. Then, quickly get everyone, including pets, to leave the house and open as many windows as possible, if you still can. Once you’re safe outside, call your gas company and a reputable HVAC company near you.

If your furnace is only wheezing, you can try to replace its air filter. If this doesn’t help, or your system makes other loud, weird noises, have an HVAC expert inspect your system. 

How to Keep Furnace Noise Down

The best way to keep your furnace from making a racket is through seasonal HVAC check-ups and tune-ups. These are comprehensive programs designed to maintain the peak performance of comfort systems.

For furnaces, a regular maintenance program includes the following:

  • Thorough inspection and cleaning of the system
  • Lubrication of all moving parts
  • Checking and tightening all connections
  • Adjusting the blower parts
  • Testing electrical components and controls
  • Confirming the heat exchanger’s state
  • Replacing the air filter
  • Calibrating the thermostat
  • Checking the system’s overall efficiency and performance
  • Monitoring carbon monoxide levels

As you can see, many of the steps above deal with the top causes of furnace noises. That’s why regular system maintenance can prevent them from happening in the first place.

Ideally, you’d want an HVAC expert to tune up your system every fall. This way, the pro can catch and address problems before the peak heating season. As a result, you and your loved ones can stay warm, cozy, and comfy throughout winter. 

Stop Those Furnace Noises

Now that you know more about furnace noises and what they mean, you can determine if your system is making normal or abnormal sounds.

If it’s the latter, try replacing the air filter first. If that doesn’t help, give us a shout here at Best Air Conditioning and Heating. We’ve been in business since 1983, proudly serving the Greater Lake Livingston, TX, and surrounding areas.

Contact us today for all your HVAC concerns, whether you need help with a noisy furnace or a tune-up. Our HVAC specialists can take care of it all.

heating repairs

The Importance of Timely HVAC Repairs in Winter in Point Blank, TX

By HVAC Expert | Preventative Maintenance

Picture this: you switch on your heater on a freezing winter day, and nothing happens. What do you do?

If you’re like many Americans, you might be tempted to do nothing. Research suggests that fewer than half of us have an emergency fund, so the bill for those heating repairs may seem pretty unappealing. Given Texas’s mild winters, you might think it’s better to pocket the repair costs, at least for a few weeks. 

However, getting fast HVAC repairs can be more important than you might think. Delays can impact everything from your system’s lifespan to your health. If you’re reluctant to call a professional, let’s look at why you should consider it and what to watch out for.

Why You Need Heating Repairs Fast in Winter

There are two crucial reasons to get winter HVAC maintenance: preserving your wealth and your health.

Long-term Savings

We get it: HVAC repair costs can be expensive. Depending on the issue, you could end up spending anywhere from a hundred to a few thousand dollars. If you need a total system replacement, the bills can get even higher.

Because few of us enjoy paying for unexpected costs, it may be tempting to procrastinate your repairs. After all, if your unit is still providing some amount of heating, even if it’s unreliable or uneven, why not run it without calling for maintenance?

Avoid this temptation! If you neglect repairs, what starts as a minor issue may snowball into major headaches. You might have to shell out for higher energy costs and expensive breakdowns, all while your home remains uncomfortable to live in. It’s often far less expensive to get a repair now than it is to run your system into the ground and replace it later.

Health Benefits

Another common urge is to shut the heater off altogether. Winter temperatures here in Texas are often milder than they are in the rest of the country, so you might be tempted to think you can squeak by without an HVAC tune-up.

While this might not be an issue in late fall, it’s not a great idea once the temperatures drop in earnest. Research suggests that cold weather can be hazardous to your health for several reasons.

First, our blood vessels contract in cold weather, leading to increased blood pressure. This increases the risk of cardiac issues like heart attacks and strokes, especially for people with pre-existing heart conditions.

Cold air also affects our respiratory performance, irritating the airway and triggering coughing and breathing difficulties. This is even worse for anyone with conditions like allergies, asthma, or COPD.

Last, cold temperatures make it easier for certain viruses to spread, including both the flu and COVID-19.

Experts recommend keeping indoor temperatures at 64 degrees or higher for better health.

Common Winter HVAC Issues to Watch For

Breakdowns can happen any time of the year, but a few issues are more common than others. Here are some of the problems our team sees most often during winter repairs:

  • Frozen or burst pipes or coils, especially after a severe freeze
  • Uneven airflow or heating between rooms
  • Malfunctioning thermostat
  • Clogged or dirty heater filters
  • Increased energy bills
  • Low heat pump refrigerant
  • Yellow or flickering pilot light in a gas-burning system
  • Fouled fuel in an oil-fired system

It’s also crucial to mention that carbon monoxide is more of a risk during the winter months as well. If you don’t have a carbon monoxide detector in your home or you haven’t checked your batteries recently, make sure to find and test one! This odorless gas is a major health hazard.

How to Avoid Emergency Heating Repairs

If you’re hoping to avoid last-minute HVAC winter repairs, there are a few things you can do to decrease your risk.

Take Your System for a Test Drive

The switch from mild to freezing can be sudden in the Point Blank area. To make sure your system is ready to go, do a furnace test drive before you need it. This ensures that you don’t first discover major problems when you start your system on a cold winter night!

During your test drive, do some DIY maintenance. Check for strange noises or smells, and look for signs of wear and tear. If you have a gas furnace, examine the color of the pilot light: you’ll want a blue flame.

Maintain Your Airflow

One key task for every homeowner’s to-do list should be checking the system’s airflow. A heater that can circulate air with ease will always perform better than a system that struggles. Better circulation can also decrease your risk of part failure or other repair issues.

To maintain proper airflow, change your filter once every 30-90 days or as recommended by your system manufacturer. Check the vents and registers in your home to be sure no furniture pieces have blocked them, and clear away any dust or debris. If you notice any leaky ducts, be sure to address them.

Improving your home’s insulation can help as well. Things like insulating your attic and basement or stopping drafts around your doors and windows can keep air inside where it belongs. This keeps your system from working so hard to heat your home.

Get Winter HVAC Maintenance

Professional maintenance keeps the repair bills away. If you want to be sure you won’t need a last-minute repair this winter, the best thing to do is schedule seasonal maintenance. An HVAC technician can check your system for any issues, lubricate moving parts, and inspect electrical components.

Get Fast Heating Maintenance and Repairs

The bottom line is that you should never wait for heating repairs or maintenance. Ensuring that your system is in good condition can extend its lifespan, ensure your comfort, preserve your health, and even help you save money.

If you’re hoping for fast, professional service from a team that Point Blank has trusted since 1983, Best Air Conditioning & Heating, LLC. is here to help. We know system breakdowns don’t always wait for a convenient moment, which is why we offer weekend service for your emergency repair needs. To schedule a heating repair with us, call (936) 213-5116 today.