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fall air conditioning and heating maintenance

It’s Wise to Invest In Fall Air Conditioning and Heating Maintenance: Here’s Why

By HVAC Expert | Preventative Maintenance

42% of your monthly energy bill goes toward heating and cooling costs, according to the Department of Energy. As your HVAC unit ages, that percentage will grow by 1-2% annually.

How can you prevent your bill from ballooning whenever the weather changes? Invest a little time and money in fall air conditioning and heating maintenance.

Regular maintenance, proper insulation, and using a sensible thermostat setting can save you up to 30% on energy bills.

If saving money isn’t incentive enough, here are some other reasons why you should bring in a professional to look at your HVAC system during the fall.

Air Quality and Humidity

An estimated 51.8 million people in the United States live with some form of respiratory disease.

To keep these people safe, they need access to filtered air.

HVAC filters catch most of the particles that can cause an asthma attack. These dangerous particles include pet dander, dust, mildew, pollen, and smoke. Without constantly circulating air, these particles build up in the home. Fans and open windows blow allergens around, posing a threat to anyone with asthma.

Circulating air keeps humidity levels low. High humidity can lead to dangerous mold growth, which costs a lot to remove.

Prolongs the Life of Your HVAC Unit

HVAC units have a lifespan of 15-20 years if they’re taken care of properly.

Regular maintenance visits from a specialist will allow them to spot potential problems with your system before they get worse.

During a maintenance call, your technician will take care of problems like:

  • Checking and tightening electrical connections
  • Inspecting the condensate drain to make sure it’s not blocked
  • Lubricating all moving parts
  • Cleaning dirty parts
  • Checking gas connections
  • Checking coolant levels
  • Clearing debris from airflow vents

You can also help extend the life of your HVAC system by looking for leaks around your unit, replacing the filter often, and making sure there is no debris near the unit.

Keeps Your Family Safe

HVAC preventative maintenance will ensure your family stays protected from obvious things like extreme summer heat and freezing winter temperatures.

HVAC maintenance will also protect your family and home from lesser known hazards such as:

  • Water damage – Leaking HVAC units can cause damage to the ceiling or floor and encourages mold growth.
  • Carbon Monoxide Poisoning – Older HVAC units are prone to developing cracks in the exhaust flue and heat exchanger. These leaks can cause carbon monoxide gas to seep into the home.
  • Fire – Damaged wiring in old air conditioning units spark an estimated 2,800 home fires per year.

Quick Response Time From Specialists

The busiest times of year for HVAC repairmen are mid-summer and mid-winter. That’s also the time of year when we rely on our systems the most.

To make sure your family doesn’t have to deal without a functional HVAC unit during when they need them, schedule a visit from an HVAC specialist in the fall.

Let Us Help You With Your Fall Air Conditioner and Heating Maintenance

We want to make sure everyone is healthy and comfortable all year long.

To make it easier on you, we offer a comprehensive maintenance plan which offers fall air conditioning and heating maintenance. Not only will it help you save money, but we’ll repair any potentially hazardous problems to keep your family safe.

Contact us today to set up a maintenance appointment.

how long does it take to replace an ac unit

How Long Does it Take to Replace an AC Unit? This is What to Know

By HVAC Expert | Air Conditioning Services

How did people live without the best modern invention of all time, the air conditioner? Our homes are sweltering without them — and that’s why you panic when yours breaks down.

The majority of homes have AC units. To keep them chugging along you need to maintain and repair them, which is why the HVAC industry is growing faster than ever.

If yours goes out, there are a lot of questions you want to ask. The most urgent one is “how long does it take to replace an AC unit?”.

Read this guide to everything you need to know about how long your AC repair will take.

Factors That Affect Repair Time

There are several factors that affect how long it will take to replace your AC unit. Look them over carefully to budget time and manage your expectations.

Let’s explore a few of the most common ones so you know how long repairs might take.

Repairs Needed

What kind of AC repairs do you need? That’s the biggest question to ask to determine how long your repair will take.

If you’re on a budget, you might just replace one section of the unit. Replacing the entire system, while costly and time-consuming, will ensure repairs aren’t needed for a long time.

Size of Your Home

When replacing a unit, your repair person might have to re-do all of the ductwork and install new vents as well. The bigger your home, the more work it’s going to need.

Condition of Ducts and Vents

Speaking of ducts and vents, what state are yours in? Dust clogging up airways or mold growing in dark passages can add more time to your schedule.

It’s more expensive to repair your entire duct system. But it’s a good idea to improve everything all at once if you can afford it.

Location of Your Home

Location is another factor to consider. Family homes or townhomes are easier for repair crews to access.

If you live in a high-rise or another location that’s hard to get to, repairs will take longer to complete.

How Long Does it Take to Replace an AC Unit?

Unfortunately, there’s no definite answer regarding how long it’s going to take to replace your unit. There are a lot of factors at play including your own availability and budget.

Bottom line is that the simplest repairs will take the least amount of time. If you have an easily accessible unit outside of your home and it’s the only thing you’re changing out, it could take a day more or less.

Upgrading your ductwork and your entire system can take longer. Accessibility issues and bigger problems, like mold, complicate things.

Easy AC Unit Repair

Different things like budget, work that needs to be done, the size and location of your home, and accessibility all affect the time it takes to repair your system. When asking how long does it take to replace an AC unit, keep all of these things in mind.

Want a more accurate estimate for your home? Contact us today!

air conditioner leaking water inside

Why is My Air Conditioner Leaking Water Inside?

By HVAC Expert | Air Conditioning Services

Is your air conditioner leaking water?

The damage that results from a leaky AC unit can be incredibly expensive and annoying to have to fix. It might result in having to repair your unit or deal with the problems that arise from the extra moisture in your home.

When you have an air conditioner leaking water inside, it needs to be fixed almost immediately but to do that, you need to be able to diagnose the problem. In this post, we’re going to tell you why your air conditioner might leaking and why you should have it repaired as soon as possible.

Why Your Air Conditioner is Leaking Water Inside

There are a few main reasons that your AC unit might be leaking water inside, with varying degrees of severity. The first thing you need to consider is the temperature outside because hot and humid climates cause your unit to have to work much harder.

If your leaking isn’t easily explained by the temperature outside, it could be one or more of the following issues:

  • If your air filter is dirty, the evaporator coils can actually freeze and you’ll end up with leaking.
  • Your condensation pan may erode over a long period of time, so if you’ve got an older AC unit, this could be the source of the leak.
  • There are several drain pipes that water funnels through in your air conditioner. If one of these is faulty or clogged, you’ll see water leakage.
  • When the refrigerant level is too low, your evaporator coils could freeze.
  • If there aren’t any visible signs of damage and your unit is brand new but still leaks, you probably need to have it re-installed.

Water Damage From AC Leak

Having leakage outside is one thing, but when the water is coming inside, you need to make sure to get it fixed right away by a professional. When you have an influx of moisture and hot weather, you’ll be dealing with mold in no time.

Small amounts of condensation are normal in a functioning AC unit, but you’ll know when it’s out of control. Mold can be difficult to spot when it’s behind your walls, so after you’ve fixed your leaking air conditioner, get a mold test kit and make sure there’s nothing there. If there is, have it taken care of immediately.

An indoor water leak will also cause damage to your walls, hardwood floors, and carpets, so it’s not a problem to be taken lightly.

For AC Repair in Livingston, TX Contact Best Air And Heating, LLC

If you notice your air conditioner leaking water inside, don’t hesitate to call a professional to have it dealt with. At Best Air and Heating, we know a thing or two about installing and maintaining AC units.

We’re the best in the business and we will ensure that you’re living comfortably in your home with a highly functioning air conditioner. Visit our site to take a closer look at the many services that we offer and contact us to arrange for our dedicated team of professionals to come and solve your AC problems.

air conditioner

Air Conditioner Noises You Shouldn’t Ignore

By HVAC Expert | Air Conditioning Services

Most of the time you don’t even pay attention to your air conditioner, except to think about how grateful you are to have it. You most likely don’t even think about it much when you turn the temp up or down. It’s only when it starts to have problems that you worry much about your air conditioner.

If your AC unit goes from running quietly in the background to being the center of attention when it comes to noise from household appliances, it’s time to have it looked at. While there are a few different sounds that are normal to hear from an air conditioner, there are also serious noises to pay attention to.

Here are a few of those noises and what they may indicate is wrong with your AC unit.

4 Air Conditioner Noises You Shouldn’t Ignore

1. Hissing

There’s a certain amount of noise that comes from air moving through the system. A light whooshing noise can be part of normal operational sounds, but a louder more pronounced hissing could be a problem with the air conditioner system. It’s like the sound you hear when air escapes from a punctured tire.

There’s a lot of tubing in the air conditioner system where refrigerant runs through to cool the air. The tubing can leak or crack, and then it hisses. You might hear gurgling along with it.

2. Screeching

Any high-pitched screeching noise is not something you want to ignore. Pay attention to when the noise occurs. It may happen either until the unit has a chance to warm up or the entire time it’s running.

Let an HVAC tech know your observations, and they can help you figure out if it’s a compressor or a fan motor. The bearings inside can wear out and cause friction, which makes the shriek or whine you hear.

3. Buzzing

This noise can be a big electrical problem, like wires that are old and frayed or loose junctions. If you continue running your AC unit when there’s a problem with an electrical circuit, you could cause an electrical fire, one of the biggest causes of fires in the U.S. today.

Buzzing might also mean your condenser fan isn’t moving because debris is stuck in it. One other possibility is a frozen system, which is easy to fix. Turn off the unite for a little while and allow it to thaw.

4. Rattling

If you hear a rattling noise, you first need to check that it isn’t because of something small. Loose doors or parts that don’t affect the machine’s operation can cause a rattling noise, and they aren’t a major concern, other than the annoyance or possibility of less energy efficiency.

After you check all those small things, if you don’t find any minor problems, then it’s time to worry about more major possibilities like loose parts inside the air conditioner or the ductwork. You may also have fan blades that are bent or knocking around loose components. A rattling type of noise can definitely be a reason to call the experts for help with a serious air conditioner issue.

Contact Best Air Conditioning and Heating for AC Repair in Livingston, TX

Knowing when to call a repairman for your air conditioner is half the battle. With the descriptions above, you don’t have to wonder anymore if a screech, whine, or rattle means you need a professional to help.

If you find that you do need a professional, feel free to reach out to us at Best Air and Heat LLC for any AC repair needs.

fall air conditioning and heating maintenance

The Ultimate Fall Air Conditioning and Heating Maintenance Checklist

By HVAC Expert | Preventative Maintenance

The average lifespan of an HVAC unit these days is 15-20 years. That number may surprise some, as the number of problems and repair can jump before reaching 10 years. Part of this reason is the lack of preventative maintenance.

HVAC units experience a lot of stress in the summer and winter. If there are any parts failing or debris interfering, high temps make matters worse. It’s in your best interest to perform fall air conditioning and heating maintenance.

Fall is your opportunity to check for potential problems and prevent larger repairs. Here’s a quick HVAC maintenance checklist to help you get started.

Change Your Filter

Your air conditioner was probably doing a lot of work during the summer. For most Texans, it’ll likely do the same going into fall. Your air filter is your HVAC’s lungs, so if they get clogged, everything works harder.

Once this happens, your coils can freeze up; then you’re dealing with your HVAC unit leaking water. This eventually leads to your system switching off, as the safety switch is tripped from a small drainage tray. Stay on top of your filter replacement to avoid your coils getting gunked up.

Check the Refrigerant Levels

Another common reason for coils freezing up is low refrigerant. Lower refrigerant levels mean lower pressure in the coils. The HVAC unit will also run a little louder, as there are more gaps of air pumping in the coils.

If your HVAC unit needs refrigerant, then it’s time to call an HVAC specialist to refill it.

Clean the Compressor

The compressor is the unit outside. You’ll want to keep it clear of debris as much as possible. Learning how to do maintenance by yourself will minimize major repairs needed later.

First, you’ll want to make sure the power is cut off from your breaker. Next, focus on the big stuff surrounding the perimeter.

Got tall grass nearby? Cut it.

Clear out any branches or leaves on and around the unit. This is something you should do every time you cut the grass. We recommend using a wet-dry vac with a brush to do regular cleanings.

Check to see if any of the fins on the outside are bent and fix them in place. You can move on opening up the compressor; just unscrew the top grill. Once inside, you can move the fan out of the way.

Look at all the wiring and check for any damage or corrosion. Continue vacuuming inside and spray off the fins from inside to complete the cleaning.

Upgrade Your Thermostat

If you want to really pile on the savings, you should consider upgrading to a smart thermostat. These are not only more accurate than standard programmables, but they’re also more reliable. They’ll learn your routines and save you the time of having to constantly reprogram them.

Perform Thorough Fall Air Conditioning and Heating Maintenance

Preventative fall air conditioning and heating maintenance will save you time and money in the long term. A quality $15 air filter sounds like a waste until you start to add up all the coil cleaning and repairs. If you struggle with your HVAC system turning on and off too much, running loud, etc., then you should call the experts.

Get a free consultation to see whether your problem is a maintenance issue or something bigger. Go local with Livingston’s Best Air and Heat LLC. We won’t give you the runaround like the big-name franchises.

air conditioning maintenance plan

Do You Need an Air Conditioning Maintenance Plan in Point Blank?

By HVAC Expert | Preventative Maintenance

A good air conditioning system works when you need it to, and doesn’t run your bills through the roof.

However, without proper maintenance, you won’t be able to get much out of your air conditioning system. Springing for an air conditioning maintenance plan can be just what you need.

Read the tips below to figure out what these plans are and whether they’re right for you.

Understand the Benefits of an Air Conditioning Maintenance Plan and What You Get

Before you shop for an air conditioning maintenance plan, be sure that you learn about their benefits. A maintenance plan lets you pre-pay for your HVAC visits.

Here’s why they’re a good idea:

1. You’ll Save Plenty of Money

In the summertime, your air conditioning system uses upwards of 5,000 watts of energy during the hottest part of the day alone. As you might imagine, this can cause your bills to rise and cost you a lot of money.

When you care for your air conditioner, it’ll also double down on your savings since the equipment won’t be wasteful.

2. Your Home Will Be Ready for Summertime

Getting your air conditioner ready for summertime is an absolute must — especially if you’re dealing with sweltering Texas summers.

When you have an air conditioning maintenance plan, it’ll always let you get your system ready for summer. You’ll be glad that you had the plan when you’re hanging out in the living room without sweat beading down your face.

3. The AC Will Last Longer

Properly maintaining your air conditioner makes it a good bet that your system will last for 12 years or more.

By pre-paying your AC maintenance, you’re buying this longevity upfront. This will save you a lot of money since you won’t have to purchase a new AC for at least a few years.

Research HVAC Contractors and Figure out if You Need a Plan

Now that you see the benefits of these air conditioning plants, you’ll need to figure out whether or not it’s for you.

If the air conditioning system is brand new, you can often buy a maintenance plan at the time of purchase. Buying a maintenance plan can also be helpful if you live in an older house and don’t want to risk downtime with your HVAC system.

Whether you plan to find a plan or not, you’ll still need the help of a professional contractor. Get some references so that you can find a quality air conditioning professional.

Do What’s Right for Your Air Conditioner

If you are looking into an air conditioning maintenance plan, this is the information that you need to know.

Regardless of what sort of air conditioning system you have, buying one of these plans is a great idea. The points above will give you an understanding of what you’ll get from these maintenance plans.

Regardless of what you need, we’re happy to give you the Best Air Conditioning and Heating in Point Blank.

When you need air conditioning services in your area, get in touch online, or call us at (936) 213-5116.

air conditioning repair

Air Conditioning Repair in Livingston: Why Is My AC Leaking Water?

By HVAC Expert | Air Conditioning Services

Nothing’s more important than your air conditioner on a hot summer day.

So when something goes wrong with your AC, you want answers fast—especially as temperatures across the country continue to rise.

If you’ve ever walked outside to find an unusual amount of water coming out of the unit or found water actually leaking into your home, you know how frustrating it can be to try and track down the problem.

Fortunately, there are usually just a few potential causes for this frustrating problem. Keep reading for a closer look at why your AC might be leaking and how an air conditioning repair can help.

Dirty Air Filter

It’s always smart to look for the most obvious solution first and with many AC issues, a dirty air filter is often the source of the problem.

Pull your AC filter out and inspect it for dirt and dust. If the filter is dirty, replace it right away.

If your air filter is too dirty, airflow to the evaporator coil could actually be blocked. This could lead to a frozen evaporator coil. When the coil melts, the excess condensation may run out of the overflow pan.

A dirty air filter can lead to all sorts of problems and much less efficient airflow overall. Be sure to change your filter every 30 to 90 days.

Clogged Condensate Drain Line

One of the most common causes of a leaky air conditioner is a clogged condensate drain line.

This drain line can easily get plugged with dirt, grime, or even mold. When this happens, water can quickly back up into your home.

While this drain line can be cleaned out with a wet-dry vacuum, plus a few other tools, it’s really best to get in touch with a pro if the line is badly backed up.

Damaged or Overflowing Drain Pan

If your AC is older or has not been serviced in a while, the drain pan could be damaged.

If the pan is cracked or has rusted through in some places, it will allow water to flow where it shouldn’t be flowing.

Some pans can be easily replaced by the do-it-yourselfer but many units have a fixed pan within the AC that will need to be replaced by a professional if the pan becomes damaged.

Low Refrigerant

Just like a clogged air filter can cause the evaporator coil to freeze due to a lack of airflow, low refrigerant levels can cause the evaporator coil to freeze due to poor pressure in the AC system.

If the refrigerant is low, you’ll probably also notice that the AC isn’t running quite as efficiently or is making a few odd sounds.

Need an Air Conditioning Repair Professional?

Air conditioning repair can be simple but, more often than not, repairs are far from simple.

If replacing your air filter or other easy fixes don’t seem to be working, it may be time to call in a pro. Get in touch with us today if your AC is leaking water or causing other problems.

air conditioning repairs in Livingston

Beat the Texas Heat: 3 Common Summer Air Conditioning Repairs

By HVAC Expert | Air Conditioning Services

In 2018, some parts of Texas reached 120 degrees.

Yes, you read that right. And with heat like that, you don’t want to be taking a gamble with your air conditioner not working, or you might just be able to fry an egg on your counter instead of your sidewalk.

87% of US homes have air conditioning, and we bet in Livingston, the number climbs up even higher.

In this blog post, we’ll go over a few of the most common air conditioning repairs you may need to keep you and your family cool this summer.

Read on for more.

1. Air Conditioning on the Fritz

Is your air conditioner on the fritz and turning on and off way quicker than it should? This is referred to as a “quick cycle,” meaning that each cycle doesn’t fully complete before it “thinks” it’s complete.

There are a few common reasons why this could be the case. If you have low refrigerant levels, this can make the air conditioner overheat. and stop. This is because it’s working even harder to cool your home, and can’t cope with the extra pressure.

If you have a clogged air filter, this can also cause your air conditioner to have slower or “weaker” cycles. And, if you have a problem with your electricity, this can also spell trouble for your unit.

2. Leaking Ducts

You may not be able to see leaky ducts, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a huge problem. Leaky ducts can cause a multitude of issues, not the least a dramatic rise in your air conditioning bills.

If your air conditioner isn’t working to its fullest potential, or you notice your bills have suddenly skyrocketed without you changing your habits, call a professional. Your ducts may be leaking.

3. Thermostat Not Working

You may think your entire AC unit is broken, but it’s really just the thermostat that isn’t reading properly. Sometimes, this may mean that someone set the thermostat to the wrong temperature accidentally, or you’ve put it in fan-only mode.

You can resolve that issue for free by making sure that neither of these is the case.

If you didn’t set the thermostat to the wrong temperature or fan-only mode, we can help. Call up one of our skilled service people and they’ll be able to work with you to determine the issue and fix it so that you’ll finally be cool again.

Fixing Air Conditioning Repairs

Air conditioning repairs aren’t fun to have to do in the summer, but having them finished in a timely manner is the best way to ensure you and your family beat the heat.

If you’re experiencing any of the above problems, or something not mentioned here, give us a call to help you today.

On our blog, we have a list of five things to ask before you have your AC repaired to make sure you get the satisfaction you deserve.

ac repair in point blank

On the Hunt: How to Find the Best AC Repair in Point Blank

By HVAC Expert | Air Conditioning Services

The Texas heat is nothing to scoff at.

If you’re living in Point Blank, Texas, you know what we’re talking about. A failing or busted AC unit is almost as bad as having no electricity or no water. It’s an essential part of living comfortably in Texas.

There’s no reason to suffer point blank heat. Having a reliable AC repair company on speed dial will give you peace of mind.

If you’re looking for AC repair in Point Blank, here are the main things you should consider.


Guide to Find The Best AC CompanyWhere to Start Looking for Ac Repair in Point Blank

While everything nowadays seems to be decided by online reviews, we recommend the more traditional approach. Start with family, friends, and neighbors. Ask the people whose opinions you respect.

Talk to them about the repair companies they’ve worked with and what their experiences are. The information that you collect will help you decide which repair service is right for you.

Experience and Qualifications

Have you been in this situation? There’s something wrong with your smartphone and your wife insists that your brother-in-law, who ‘dabbles in electronics’, can absolutely fix it. You relent, and after he tinkered with it for a few hours, you now have a $300 brick.

Don’t hand the job over to amateurs.

You want a company with years of experience on their resume. Verify that they’re licensed, bonded and insured. Find out if they have received certifications from major associations such as NATE (North American Technician Excellence), EPA, and BBB (Better Business Bureau).

Check the Services Offered

When you’re shopping for an AC repair company, it’s not enough that they can fix your broken unit. A respectable company will also provide other services. These include regular inspection and tune-ups, cleaning, and supply replacement parts if needed.

Also, most Texans would agree that after-hours service is a must. If something happens to your AC unit in the middle of the night, it’s reassuring to know that you can have a technician at your doorstep as soon as possible.

Good AC companies also have intangibles and extras that add to their value. Do they have 24-hour customer service with polite and respectful agents to answer your questions? Do they offer free estimates or consultations?

You should consider all these factors when choosing the best AC repair company.

Review Your Budget

Most HVAC companies are amenable to giving you a free estimate. You can compare estimates from different companies and cross-check with your budget.

When getting an estimate, it’s important to review what is written. All charges should be itemized and accurate. This will give you a better idea if the offer you received is worth it or not.

You might receive a cheap bid that doesn’t list out all the details. Then when they hand you the bill, you’re surprised by all the extra fees that they neglected, intentionally or not, to put on the initial estimate.

Survive Point Blank Heat

Choosing an HVAC repair company should take the same consideration as choosing your doctor or dentist. It’s not a decision that you should take lightly. We hope that this guide can provide you the information you need to choose wisely.

And if you’re looking for AC repair in Point Blank, Best Air Conditioning and Heating have the qualifications, experience, and accolades to help you with your concerns.

Contact us today for a free quote or to set up an in-home consultation.

ac repair

5 Questions to Ask Before Having Your AC Repaired in Livingston

By HVAC Expert | Service Area

It’s the middle of summer, and your AC’s on the fritz.

Not what you want in Livingston, Texas, where, as you’re only too well aware, the average high in August is 95°.

Is it time for a new AC, new HVAC system or does it just need some care and attention? It can be hard to know when you’re not an expert in the air.

That’s where our 5 questions come in.

Ask these 5 questions before getting AC repair, and you’ll know you’re getting exactly what you need.

1. Have I Cleaned My Filters?

Clogged air filters are a good way to ensure that you don’t get the temperature you want from your AC.

Before paying a callout charge for an AC repair, perform a visual check on your air filters. If you can see they’re clogged with dust, give them a thorough clean and replace them.

If after this, you’re still having issues, it might be worth calling the professionals.

2. How Old Is My AC?

Depending on when you moved into your property, you may or may not be aware of the age of the system.

This can be a big deal because older systems tend to use a lot more energy and cost more to maintain and repair.

3. How Much Will the AC Repair Cost?

Before jumping into repairing your existing system, make sure you understand the full cost of repairs.

Also, discuss the cost of replacement with a more modern system with the AC repair team. It’s important to try to strike the right balance between repairing what you have and replacing it. Keeping your current system may potentially end up costing you more in the long run.

4. Is My AC Energy Efficient?

This is an important consideration when deciding whether it is worth repairing your current AC.

You may shell out hundreds of dollars on an AC unit repair, only to find that replacing it with a new, more efficient model would have saved you money in the long run.

If your AC system is around the ten year age mark, this is a conversation worth having. Technology has moved on dramatically and could translate into major savings on your energy bills.

5. Should I Repair My AC, or Replace It?

This is the big question, and many factors go into answering it.

As discussed, energy efficiency is part of the question. Also, even with a repair, will it meet your needs in terms of cooling? Also, what are the anticipated maintenance and repair costs for this type of system down the line?

Discuss these factors with your AC repair crew before making any repair or replacement decisions.

In Summary: Making the Best AC Repair Decisions

AC repair is a headache that none of us want to face, but asking the 5 questions above can help you make the right choice.

While it’s easy to think about the here and now, with AC repairs, it pays to think 5 to 10 years down the line. Good decisions now may mean lower energy, repair and maintenance costs down the line.

The team at Best Air Conditioning and Heating are ready to help you with any AC issues you’re experiencing.

Click here to contact us today and set up an appointment.